Apologies as I have completely neglected my website for the past few years and focused on other areas of my life, mask making during the pandemic, Instagram and my job at Angela Flanders perfumery! But..I continued to make and sell toys and I have been busy working on the stories for the wonkies and have created, written and illustrated the first draft of the first book.
These photos are a little out of date now, my kittens Akira and Hatty Piper have become adults even! but I will gradually catch up. I am currently improving parts of the story ready for further workshops. I have used the story in workshops at various stages as I progressed. Here is the back story and basic outline of the first story 'Tonka and Tumelo arrive on Planet Wonky' below, INTRO FOR THE CHILDREN The Story of Planet Wonky begins when the earth gets WAY TOO MESSY. Humans were behaving badly and not taking care of nature, animals, insects, birds, fish and each other. Planet Earth decided it was time to go on strike! have a rest! take a holiday! Enough is enough! It went very dark and chilly, for many many many years! even aliens on other Planets could not see the earth when they looked through their telescopes. Then one day, in the year 4888, almost 3 millenniums from now! (*three thousand years.) the sun began to shine again, plants, flowers and trees started to grow. New life was beginning. It was a little bit different though, the countries had all moved around, some were upside down, Europe was next to the Antarctic. Green land was below Australia and new creatures had appeared ‘not like the ones before’. They called themselves Wonkies and they named their world Planet Wonky. The first story begins christmas 1999, the dawn of a new millenium! Two children named Tonka and Tumelo were playing hide and seek in Mozambique in South East Africa. They found a book on 'Magic tricks and Time Travel' in their Aunts back yard. Accidentally they cast a spell which not only turned Tonka into an aardvark and Tumelo into a beetle but shot them forward in time to the year 4888!! Here they meet the Wonkies for the very first time, and we start to learn about this new world. There are 42 Wonkies! and many more books to come. In the very last book the Wonkies have taught Tonka and Tumelo all there is to know about how to make a peaceful happy healthy planet and they go back to 1999 just in time to share everything they learnt and help save the world from disaster.
Planet wonky I plan to make stories and animated films about the creatures I created.
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